
It happened in last December. One day I was shocked to see my umbrella lost in an umbrella stand when I was leaving my office. I thought it was stolen! Then I looked around the stand and found a very similar umbrella, which has the same color, the same size, but with a different button. The button needs two-step action to open with both hands, but mine needs only one action with one hand.*1 I was kind of relieved because I thought someone had picked up my umbrella by mistake, not on purpose.
I have kept checking the umbrella stand on every rainy day, and I finally found it yesterday! I grabbed my umbrella back and went home. I'm sure that's my real umbrella because I know one of the umbrella ribs is twisted a little ;-)


  • an umbrella stand: 傘立て
  • umbrella ribs: 傘の骨

日常のちょっとした出来事程度なのに、英文で書くとなると結構疲れます。時制とか冠詞とかがいつも悩みのタネですね。ワンタッチで開く“ジャンプ傘”の表現にも苦労しました。なお、辞書引きには、Palm Centro+Wdic英辞郎の辞書 を活用。
